Saturday, April 7, 2012


Welcome, my friends, to the newest adventure in my life.  This won't be a surprise to any of my family and friends, but I have an addiction to reading and collecting recipes. With the encouragement of many of you, I have taken this colossal time sucker of an addiction and am turning it into something productive.  My son is a great cook.  Arguably, a better cook than I am.  He does half the cooking around here.  I will share our secrets (probably more than you ever wanted to know), helpful hints (nothing very earth shattering), and amazing tools that I come across.  I will post some original recipes occasionally, but mostly it will be recipes that I have found online, in magazines or stolen from friends.  I will share the experience and results of cooking it along with any suggestions I might have.

1 comment:

  1. Loved your Easter cooking. The pictures were delicious! Thanks for sharing Bonnie! Je
